Welcome To Knack's Place!
A Local Men and Women's Recovery Residence for Addicts & Alcoholics in Daytona Beach, Florida
6 Recovery Houses Strong & Growing!
216 Mullaly St, Daytona Beach, FL 32114
“They seemed to have all the ingredients for successful living: philosophy, faith, a sense of humor (they could laugh at themselves), clear-cut objectives, appreciation—and most especially appreciation and sympathetic understanding for their fellow man.” ― Alcoholics Anonymous, 4th Edition
Established 2018
About Knack's Place & Our Mission
Knack’s Place is a sober living environment for men and women located in beautiful Daytona Beach, Florida. We provide a safe, structured, supportive, sober living environment that is conducive to initiating the necessary personality changes in men’s and women's lives to bring about recovery from drug addiction and alcoholism.
Knack’s Place is dedicated to Michael J. Kornacki, known by his friends as “Knack”, who passed away sober in a motorcycle accident on November 3, 2017. The amount of people that Mike was able to help during his time in recovery is immeasurable, and our vision for Knack’s Place remains just the same – To help every alcoholic and drug addict that we possibly can in their journey to recovery. That’s what Knack always did, and a man who touched so many lives has a legacy that lives on and will never burn out.

Michael Kornacki
Our Recovery Residences
Our Recent
How It Works
Our Recovery Blueprint

12 Step Oriented Program
12 Step meeting attendance & a solid foundation on which to build recovery and gain the tools necessary to be a productive member of society.

Phase-Up Process
Each resident will undergo phases internally while living on our property, gradually moving up until you can be named a graduate & Knack's Place alumni!

Multiple Recovery Houses
Currently equipped with 6 properties, Knack's Place is currently capable of housing over 80 recovering addicts & alcoholics.

One Addict Helping Another
This is a WE program. That being said, we believe that what can't be done alone CAN be done together. You will never fail to find a familiar face that is willing to help.

Weekly On-Property Meetings
Each individual will be encouraged to attend a mandatory on-property meeting to discuss problems, solutions & talk recovery.

Drug & Alcohol Free Environment
Knack's Place is a safe place. We pride ourselves on the ability to keep & maintain a drug & alcohol free living environment for all of our residents.
What Our
Clients Say.